Eco-Friendly soaking and liming
The Biokimica Group is constantly committed to the research and development of new technologies respecting the environment. ECOGREEN is a line of products specifically designed for sustainable tanning and beamhouse processes.
New types of degreasers with zero environmental impact, non-hazardous liming auxiliaries, and completely salt-free deliming agents derived from natural substances. They are designed to achieve the highest quality results on leather and to reduce the polluting load of the soaking and liming phases.
Registered Products

The ECOGREEN line utilizes non-proteolytic enzymes in soaking, which work on the removal of hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide that prevents water and product absorption. This results in a more relaxed leather and a better opening of the grain, in addition to reducing or omitting surfactants, which greatly reduces COD levels in liming floats.
product lines
Fatliquors, resins, tanning and retanning agents, with low COD value and ZDHC LEVEL 3 registered.
ZDHC LEVEL 3 registered chemicals for low bisphenol content tanning.
The leather finishing system that combines efficiency and technology to achieve environmentally sustainable leather with zero atmospheric emissions.
Info on Eco-Green series?
We are open Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:30.
Visit us at Via dei conciatori 44, Santa Croce Sull’Arno (PI).
You can reach us by phone at +39 0571 3631 or email us at info@gruppobiokimica.com